PRISM is a pioneering charitable organisation which has been successfully delivering accredited alternative education for over 15 years in the Bradford Metropolitan District Area and for our neighbouring authorities and is always on the lookout for new, innovative and creative ways to achieve its key purpose. Frequently this involves collaboration with partner agencies, and we believe fundamentally that we can achieve improved outcomes by working in partnership with others. Our success is founded on the expertise and commitment of our staff, and we recognise our responsibility to reward and support them appropriately. In particular we believe in offering relevant professional training and development opportunities which will enable them to progress in their careers.
PRISM has an excellent local and national reputation for delivering services that are high quality and value for money. It employs a committed and skilled staff team who contain a wealth of experience in teaching, training delivery, educational packages, youth work, counselling skills, leadership and management.
We now face an exciting challenge to continue to maintain the growth we have experienced in an ever changing climate and expand our services to ensure we achieve greater sustainability in the longer term. We are continually refurbishing, modernising and extending our current facilities to create a welcoming, hi-tech learning environment that young people deserve to help them achieve their full potential.
Over the past five years we have increased the numbers of young people with whom we work and the variation of programs that we are able to offer. However, as the organisation has grown, we have ensured that the principles and values continue to underpin all our working practice.
PRISM is an innovative, dynamic and creative organisation which provides alternative education and accredited youth work initiatives to those young people who struggle to achieve in more conventional settings. We offer guidance and support which empowers young people to move into mainstream educational, employment and training opportunities.
PRISM offers a holistic experience which considers every young person as a unique individual with unique needs and unique potential. PRISM has aligned its position to fit the focused aims and objectives of the Directorate for Services to Children and Young People. The school is based in the heart of Bradford District.
PRISM Independent School has 70 full time places with Alternative Provider status or specialist school status. PRISM is not able to currently draw down Government funding and is therefore commissioned from a wide variety of regional schools, Local authority and organisations. The learners are placed within the school on full and/or part time basis. Learners are from key stages 3 and 4.