Key Tasks & Outcomes



Prism Independent School aims to maximise the potential of all young people within its target range of between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 5, this aim will be fulfilled through the following objectives:


  • To deliver curriculum based education programmes to learners between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 5.


  • To develop session of activities that promote community cohesion and the celebration of cultural diversity


  • To increase learners access to influencing decision making


  • To target support and resources for learners at risk


  • To work in partnership with other voluntary and statutory agencies.


  • To ensure we have a voice in the implementation of all new government legislations


  • To secure adequate resources to support the delivery of the Curriculum Offer


  • To ensure quality of provision as measured against current and relevant OFSTED legislation.


  • To plan and implement a comprehensive programme of training opportunities that meets the needs of all staff


  • To ensure equal opportunities are applied throughout all aspects of the school and delivery and that equity is achieved for all learners and adults involved with the organisation.









Prism Independent school offers all its learners the opportunity to access the following provision:

  • Quality  Education
  • Development of Spiritual, moral ,social, and cultural development of learners
  • Quality Learning and assessment provision
  • Welfare Health and Safety of Learners
  • Suitable staff, and proprietors
  • Information to Parents, carers and other organisations
  • Quality premises and accommodation
  • Clear and accessible complaints system




PRISM Independent School enables all young people to become:

  • successful learners – who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve


  • confident individuals – who are able to live healthy, safe and productive lives


  • Responsible citizens – who make a positive contribution to society.


This will be achieved by:

  • Ensuring that the curriculum offered by Prism Independent School is relevant to learners in order to meet their personal and social development needs.


  • providing a planning framework for every piece of work we deliver


  • Allowing others including learner, parents, referring agencies and commissioning bodies to know what they can expect from PRISM Independent School and the methods by which this will be delivered.


  • Enabling staff and others to measure how effective we are in delivering learning outcomes and measuring progress and behaviour of the learners with whom we work.



Learner Engagement

PRISM Independent School works with learners in order that they are able to access and engage with the Curriculum Offer and act on the personal, social and political issues which affect their lives, the lives of others and the communities in which they have a key role to play.  Attendance and engagement are central factor’s within PRISM Independent School.  All learners have the opportunity to actively engage in the process of influencing planning and decision making which affects their lives, the life of the school and society as a whole.


Learner’s Voice

All learners have the opportunity, beginning with their induction process, to influence PRISM Independent School’s decision making framework. This opportunity increases the ownership within the School and its ongoing commitment to learner inclusion. This will be reflected strategically in PRISM Independent School’s Charter for Learners. This charter will develop through the active participation of PRISM Independent School – Youth Forum working in partnership with PRISM Independent School staff and Senior Management Team.




Equity and Community Cohesion

PRISM Independent School has a comprehensive Equalities and Diversity Policy. An important element within achieving equity is through challenging oppression due to differences of race, culture, language, sexual identity, gender, disability, age, class or religion, and working to ensure that young people are not disadvantaged because of any of these differences.  This is both in terms of the ways in which Prism independent School delivers its own work and its role as an advocate on behalf of learners. In addition to its contact with staff and all other adults.



In order to engage learners in additional programmes, the ways in which these programmes are delivered must be attractive and enjoyable to the learners.  They must be challenging, inspiring, stimulating, engaging and motivational. Enrichment programmes will reflect current learners fashions and trends whilst responding to the needs and requests of the learners. This will enable PRISM Independent School’s staff team to utilise wider skills and experience alongside developing new, exciting and creative opportunities for learners and their own development.